So, January is a bit more depressing than usual. Not sure if it’s the rubbish weather, the pandemic, the lockdown or a combination of all of those things. I’m normally spring out of bed because it’s a new day kind of person, but this month my spring isn’t quite so springy!
When I feel this way, as so many of us do from time to time, I always find it best to think about stuff that makes me happy. I love art. I love colour and I think the combination of these things are what drew me to loving Shiri Zinn’s collections.
I was checking out all the fab stuff on before Christmas, fascinated by the design and the craftsmanship. There are so many beautiful items on there I want to buy!
This time though, something caught my eye that made me smile and think of a dear friend of mine. Now, I don’t normally think of my friends when scrolling through collections of high end dildos and other erotic toys – I’m not talking about those kind of friends – but this item was different. Cute, fun and collectable!
You may have guessed it, I’m taking about the Cupcake vibrator, it looks so delicious I wanted to lick it right off the screen! A very good friend of mine has a thing about cupcakes and all things cupcake-ish (I realise that’s not an actual word but I’m going with it). She has a dresser in her kitchen lined with the most beautiful ceramics, tins, pictures and other fab things and, I thought, Shiri Zinn’s cupcake would look brilliant up there with the rest of her stuff.
But the great thing about the cupcake vibrator is that it’s not just good to look at. Yes, I know there’s a downside in that you can’t actually eat it but, it’s so cute for sexy play, and it comes in a fab retro red spotty tin – what’s not to love?
Now, the downside for me was that when it arrived, I wanted to keep it for myself, not give it to the friend I’d ordered it for. I want a cupcake toy. I do I do I do. I thought about buying her a scarf (another one!), chocolates (she wouldn’t appreciate the fat and sugar intake) or just some nice bubble bath, but I’d ordered the toy for her, so I conscientiously wrapped up the beautiful tin and left it in my porch for her to pick up (socially-distanced gifting).
I felt a little bereft afterwards, but it didn’t last long as I can always order another one for myself! Shiri Zinn has so many unique items to choose from. I’m not into BDSM myself but, if I were, I’d definitely be buying my collection from there. Anyone looking for s&m sex toys should go to the Shiri Zinn website and check out the gorgeous items she has. Beaded and beautiful and in a choice of fabulous colours, they’re part of the Shiri Zinn tribal collection with matching items you can treat yourself to. The designer was brought up in Africa and much of her work is influenced by African art.
Shiri Zinn’s work always manages to perfectly blend form and function to create erotic toys that are great to buy for yourself as well as for friends – though next time I buy a gift for a friend from the Shiri Zinn collection I’ll make sure I get myself the same item at the same time, otherwise my willpower might not be strong enough to give one away!
Molly B